Kingfisher Dandeli Resort offers you the economic dandeli 1 Day packages that provides you the comfort stay, food and Complementary Activities. Outing group activities are carried under all major safety so all activities given are safe and can do risk free. Best Selling Dandeli packages for 2 days & 1 night packages.
Team day outing at Kingfisher Dandeli Resort
Dandeli resort team outing - Dandeli resort day outing package - Corporate team outing in dandeli - Dandeli Day Trip - Dandeli 1 day package
1200 RS/- PER HEAD
Package Include :
Food : buffet style
1 breakfast,
1 lunch (Veg/Non-veg)
Evening Hi -Tea
Free Activities in 1 day package
Lake Coracle ride,
Lake kayaking,
Free fall water zip line,
water free roll fall,
Slide fall
Burma bridge crossing,
Volley ball
Our Jungle Stay provides privacy and safe for Groups. Kingfisher Jungle Stay is nested in beautiful jungle nature where you can rejuvenate. You can enjoy nature and adventure during your Dandeli day outing visit.
Dandeli day package - Dandeli Day Trip - Dandeli 1 day package & 2 Days
Ans : You can submit our query Form to get package details and availability, or request us on Whats app 08971957890.
Ans : Vehicle will be provided at Extra Cost.
Ans : Once you receive details through mail or whats app and if our packages are satisfied then you can send confirmation by mail or whats app. You must provide ID address proof of booking guest and Email-Id. You will receive bank details to deposit 50% booking advance amount and once your advance amount is received, you will get Dandeli trip confirmation voucher to your mail.
More about Dandeli Kingfisher :
Kingfisher Dandeli Resort is 7 km away from Dandeli nested in jungle place named Bamangi. Swimming pool and Lake adventure rope activities are available in our jungle Stay which gives you unlimited fun during your Stay. Wild life jungle safari is 5 km from resort Accommodation. Water activities 13 km from our jungle stay. Sight seeing places can be reached in maximum 20 min Drive.
We also arrange for you to go for sightseeing where you can cover many tourist spots Dandakaranya park also known as Disney Park, Mouling Eco river Park, Crocodile Park, Supa Dam View, Magod Falls, Syntheri Falls, Sathod Falls, Jenu Kallu Gudda, Kavala Caves, Ulavi Caves, Skyes Point, Sathkhanda Water Falls, Diggi (birth of river Kali), Back Water, DoodhSagar Falls, Pansoli Elephant Camp, Tiger Reserve Jungle Safari.
Approved By Govt. Of Karnataka Tourism Department
Mr. Suresh Dandgall
DANDELI 581325
MB: 8971957890 /9448223234
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