Dandeli Jungle camp or Camping in Dandeli is a recreational adventure stay enfolding you in nature and forest with jungle adventure in Dandeli.
Dandeli camping packages : Dandeli jungle camp or tent camping in dandeli is one of the adventurous stay activity to the people who loves jungle adventure stay in Camping Doom Tents. What make you difference staying in tents? Well we usually stay in cottages, villas, suites but staying in camping tents is unique experience as you are staying in real mother nature in small netted camping tents without any room amenities that looks amazing for adventure lovers. Dandeli resort camping, if you wish to explore adventure kind of stay then you should try for camping tent stay. Camping in Dandeli is for those who love jungle kind of adventures.
1600 Rs/- Per Head
Package Include :
Food : buffet style
1 breakfast,
1 lunch (Veg/Non-veg)
1 dinner( veg/non-veg buffet)
morning and evening tea /coffee
Free Activities in 1 night package
River boating in Kali river,
Lake Coracle ride, Lake kayaking,
Free fall water zip line,
water free roll fall,
Slide fall
Burma bridge crossing,
Supa Dam view,
Backwater view
Camp fire
Approved By Govt. Of Karnataka Tourism Department
Mr. Suresh Dandgall
DANDELI 581325
MB: 8971957890 /9448223234
Email : dandelikf@gmail.com
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